Year 7

Welcome to Year 7

Welcome to Year 7, our school motto, created by students, is ‘Enjoy – Learn – Succeed’. We are totally student centred. We expect every Beckfoot learner to enjoy school, be successful academically and become self-determined, outward looking and selfless young adults. Our culture is celebratory and aspirational. We want each young person to make a valuable contribution and in doing so, we hold the highest
expectations of them. We understand that starting secondary school can be daunting, which is why we work to ensure all students have a smooth start at school.

Communicating with you

Our Family Communication App is Class Charts and it is available on IOS and Android, we will send you an invitation to download the app in September to Priority 1 contacts. This app will:

  • Allow you to view information and keep up to date with what’s going on in school.
  • Allow you to view key information about how your child is doing in school.
  • Inform you about your child’s activity, including school letters, attendance, visits and events in school.
  • Allow you to send and receive free messages to and from school via your mobile device.

We will also send home progress reports three times a year, this will give you information about your child’s attendance, punctuality and application to learning for each subject.


Transition events will take place before your child starts at Beckfoot so students can meet staff and peers and learn more about their school community.

Form tutors at Beckfoot are central to caring for students and monitoring their progress socially and academically. Groups will be mixed up to ensure primary school intakes are spread out so students have the opportunity to make new friends.

Support is always there for students struggling with transition, and should they have any worries or concerns we encourage then to discuss these with our Head of Year 7, their tutor, or Year 8 buddies.

Your Team

Our team will be here to support Year 7 students through their transition to secondary school and their first year at Beckfoot.

  • Mr White – Head of Year 7
  • Mrs Jeffrey – Pastoral Manager
  • Mr Midgley – Head of Key Stage 3
  • Mr Wade – Headteacher
  • Mrs Denham – Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead
  • Mr Barnes – SENDCO

Should you ever have concerns or queries, please contact the school on 01274 771444.

Wider Opportunities

Year 7 Enrichment – We are committed to providing as many enrichment activities as possible for our students.

Trips and experiences run throughout the year and can range from residential trips, subject-specific trips and reward trips.

Enrichment Week is the final week of school before Summer, where students will have the opportunity to take part in an activity of their choice.

Beckfoot University provides students with a passport to learning that they will keep for the year to record extra-curricular events and experiences inside and out of school, if students complete 30 hours of extra learning they will attend our June graduation event.

Year 7

SubjectCycle 1Cycle 2Cycle 3

Elements of art: Tone/form, pattern, line and colour – Links to Leonardo Da Vinci, Vincent Scarpace, Vincent Van Gogh & Georgia O’Keeffe

Abstract sculpture: Wire form – Introduction to Fabric Lenny

Abstract sculpture: Paper cut-outs and patterns – Introduction to Henry Matisse and his cut outs

Day of the dead: Metal embossing  – Introduction to the Day of the Dead and Ninette Kruger

Day of the dead: Lino print – Recap of Day of the Dead and introduction to Thaneeya McArdle and Jose Posada

Computer Science

Internet Safety: Students will learn to stay safe while using the internet, so they can be aware of right and wrong behaviours and how to report dangers to CEOP.

Algorithms with Flowgorithm: Students will learn to write their own step by step algorithms for a given problem, and write in pseudocode and create flowcharts.

MSW Logo Programming: Students will be able to successfully write their own programs and successfully debug their code.

Design Technology

Food Technology: The Healthy Breakfast Project 

Cooking recipes like fruit salad, beans/cheese on toast, rock buns, oaty bites, eggy bread, quesadillas, breakfast muffins and scotch pancakes to build core skills in the kitchen and understand factors of health and nutrition.

Design Technology: Gadget Stand 

Students will create a moodboard, graphically design a 2D model of their proposal and make their model with specialist tools, techniques, processes and equipment.

Textiles: Pencil case 

Using a design brief to create a design that can be replicated on the CAD/embroidery machine, gaining skills such as tack stitching, setting up a sewing machine, pinning, tacking, hemming, inserting a zip and attaching pieces of fabric.


Telling the story: Students will understand how a story is constructed as they learn about stock characters, form and structure of stories over time: Iliad to Dahl.

Creatively Coraline: Students will learn to recognise story conventions as they examine how a ‘modern classic’ exemplifies the techniques they’ve learnt and apply them to their own ‘quest tale’.

Shakespeare – to laugh or cry? Students will learn to recognise the conventions of three types of Shakespearean plays (history, tragedy and comedy) as they develop their knowledge of the plot of several of his plays.

The Merchant of Venice: Students will develop a deeper understanding of Shakespeare as they study this text to deepen their knowledge of the plot and characters and their relationships.

Sonnets: Students will learn about the origins of the sonnet form and learn to recognise, analyse and explain the form: Petrarch to the Romantics.

Oracy – could my voice change the world? Students will read a range of speeches and analyse their use of rhetoric, and deliver their own speech using these skills.


Walls: Students will begin to develop their awareness of the wider world as they focus on tensions around existing borders so they can begin to formulate comparisons between countries.

Geographical skills: Students will learn basic map skills so they can confidently read an Atlas Map and describe locations.

Rivers: Students will look at the processes and landforms within a river system, how they’re formed and the causes and impacts of flooding.

Ice on the land: Students will learn about the changes in global ice coverage and the physical processes within a glacier that result in distinctive glacial landforms such as a corrie and glacial trough.

Coasts: Students will gain an introduction to the landforms at a coastal landscape and be able to explain how processes of erosion create these. They will also look at how engineering can be used to protect coastlines.

Life in Antarctica: Students will learn about the climate and the cause of the climate in Antarctica, receive an introduction to the concept of biodiversity and how humans threaten the environment.

Life in a hot desert: Students will understand the climate in a hot desert and continue to learn about biodiversity and how humans threaten the environment.

Fieldwork: Students will learn how to carry out fieldwork and collect primary and secondary data and create graphs and tables to present their data.


What happened after the fall of the Romans? Students will be able to explain how Britain changed after the fall of the Roman Empire and how the Byzantine Empire continued after the Roman Empire fell.

How did invasions change life in Britain? Students will be able to explain how and why the Normans and Vikings were successful in their invasion and settlements of England, and how life changed.

How disastrously was the Black Death for the Medieval World? Students will be able to explain the causes and consequences of the Black Death and understand how Medieval beliefs about illness limited their response to the disease.

How did the world change with the Age of Exploration? Students will understand how exploration benefited Europe but had a negative impact on indigenous populations.

Was Elizabethan England a ‘golden age’? Students will be able to explain how the Elizabethan age can be seen as golden age for different groups of people.


Meine Welt und ich: Learning and using key sounds and letters of the German alphabet, numbers and days of the week. Learning to discuss your characteristics with others.

Familie and Tiere: Exploring discussing families and pets.

Meine Freizeit: Students will learn to conjugate present tense verbs and express opinions about a range of free time activities.

Mein Schule: Students will learn key vocabulary around the topic of school and give their opinion on subjects.

Gute reise: Students will discuss future and current holiday plans and gain insight into German-speaking tourist areas.

Cultural capital: Students will have the opportunity to explore a German film.


Living in the wider world: Careers – Beckfoot transition, careers in English, Maths, Science, Creative Arts, Humanities , PE and Languages

Health and wellbeing: Physical Health – Water, cancer, blood donation, tooth decay, drugs, personal hygiene, and common injuries

Health and wellbeing: Mental health – Defining mental health, change, diet and exercise, internal and external factors affecting self esteem and confidence, online safety

Relationships – Marriage, safety, family on future relationships, defining sexism and parents

Relationships – Empathy, defining peer pressure, laws on consent, defining respect, types of bulling, rights and responsibilities

Living in the wider world: Beckfoot Britain and beyond – Year 8 transition and individual liberty


Number – written methods, use of a calculator, types of numbers, faction arithmetic and FDP equivalence

Algebra – sequences and simplifying and solving

Geometry and measures – area perimeter

Statistics – MMMR, averages

Ratio, proportion and rates of change – ratio

Number – percentages, multiples, factors, primes and decimals

Ratio, proportion and rates of change – scales

Geometry and measures – area and circumference of a circle, geometry and surface area

Algebra – equation, coordinates, straight line graphs

Geometry and measure – volume, angles

Ratio, proportion and rates of change – ratio

Statistics – graphs and charts

Performing Arts

Superheroes: Students will be introduced to key physical skills and basic stagecraft and vocal skills as they work to develop their own superhero character and analyse their own performance.

Physical Theatre: Students will be introduced to stagecraft in physical theatre as they work in a group perform choral movement, shapes and balances and a physical theatre performance.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Students will develop their skills of explorative and storytelling techniques as they communicate the mood and emotions of characters in the script.

Bollywood – dance: Students will be introduced to dance performance skills as they develop performances in a larger group. They will use choreographic techniques to devise their own routine and perform the piece to an audience.


Elements of music: Students will be able to perform rhythms in time to music, compose using simple rhythmic values, and perform a piece to represent a theme. They will also understand how long quavers, crotchets, minims and semibreves last for.

Gamelan: Introduction to the world of music and pitch as students understand the use of harmony and left hand keyboard parts to play melodies in time with others.

Chords: Introduction to accompaniments as students develop their pitch and harmony. They will learn to play chords on the keyboard and ukulele and sign with accurate pitch as a class.

Riffs: Students will understand repeated patterns and rhythmically complex performances, as they receive an introduction to composition.

Caribbean: Link to world music as students understand rhythmical parts in both the melody and chords and recognise chromatic melodies. Students will learn to play the Yellow Bird chords in time with the melody.


Mon auto portrait: Learning and using key sounds and letters of the French alphabet as well as numbers and days of the week. Learning to talk about the characteristics of yourself and others

Mon collège: Learning to describe what we learn at school, express opinions, apply adjectives and talk about our timetable. Talk about what we eat at lunch and compare French/English food

Mes Passetemps: Discussing your usage and opinion of different technologies. Learning sports vocabulary and giving your opinion on what you like doing in your free time. Using temporal adverbs and the verbs jouer and faire accurately

Ma zone: Saying what’s in your town and giving an opinion on where you live, learning how to dive directions and how to address people correctly in French (using tu and vous) – using prepositions and modal verbs

Partez/cultural capital: Learning new vocabulary linked to countries and holiday destinations, discussing holiday activities. Students will be introduced to the perfect tense, conditional and future tense to discuss holiday plans


Athletics: Development of core skills and basic technical and tactical knowledge of events

Badminton: Development of core skills and basic technical and tactical knowledge of the sport

Basketball: Development of core skills and tactical awareness in isolated practices and conditioned games

Dance: Development of core skills and basic choreographic devices

Fitness: Explore the different aspects of fitness, and creating workouts for these

Football: Development of core skills and tactical awareness in isolated practices and conditioned games

Gymnastics: Development of core skills and basic choreographic devices on the floor and low level apparatus

Invasion games: Development of core skills and tactical awareness in isolated practices and conditioned games

Netball: Students will develop and master the core skills and techniques required to ensure effective performance in netball

Rounders: Development of core skills and basic tactical awareness in isolated practices and conditioned games

Rugby: Developing knowledge of rules, introducing a range of core skills and some advanced skills in small sided, conditioned games


Sacred Six: Students will encounter the big six religions to develop religious literacy and learn about these religions in chronological order

Judaism: Students will understand Jewish beliefs and practices and know that the covenant influences all parts of life, such as Jewish identity, clothing and festivals

Christianity: Students will know that the Trinity is the core Christian belief and the characteristics of each person in the Trinity and apply this knowledge to parables

Islam: Students will know key Muslim beliefs and practices and learn about the Sunni/Shia split, how Muslims are portrayed in the media and the difference between personal faith and institutional

What is wisdom? Students will learn about Ancient Greek Philosophy from Plato on wisdom


Chemistry – Earth structure and universe: Introduction to our place in the universe and the planet we live on

Biology – Ecosystem, interdependence and plant reproduction: Introduction to biological relationship sin the world around us

Physics – Electromagnets, electricity: The basics of electricity and how circuits work

Physics – Energy costs and transfer: Ideas about energy use and the availability and the availability of energy resources

Science – enquiry processes: Introduction to ‘thinking scientifically’, looking at how science asks questions and tries to collect evidence to answer them

Physics – forces: Introduction to forces and motion

Biology – genes, variation and human reproduction: Reasons behind the wide variety of life on Earth

Biology – organisms, movement and cells: Introduction to the building blocks of life and their structures

Chemistry – reactions, acids and alkalis, metals and non-metals: Basic ideas around reactions between different types of chemicals

Chemistry – matter: Building blocks of solids, liquids and gases and why materials behave the way they do

Physics – sound and light: Introduction to waves and how we hear and see the world