School Meals

School Meals at Beckfoot

Catering at Beckfoot School is managed by Facilities Management, the Bradford Council Catering Service.

Students can purchase food from the various outlets in our atrium before school, break and lunchtime.

Please click here to view the allergen information provided by FM catering. If you have any questions or concerns please contact [email protected]

Healthy Reward Points

Our Healthy Rewards scheme awards you points for the healthier items you purchase (though not for any items bought from vending machines). The healthier the item, the more points you receive, and there are great prizes awarded each term to the top ten students with the most points. 

BSL Food Group

The BSL Food Group are the student link with FM Catering and School Services Manager. The group work on projects such as the introduction of the new School Food Standards which involved replacing popular products with new ‘compliant’ products. In conjunction with FM Catering, they organised a competition for healthy eating and a competition to create a ‘compliant’ quick snack which is now on sale and becoming a very popular item! This year they are focusing on encouraging healthy eating in and out of school.

Free School Meals

Students who are entitled to Free School Meals have their daily allowance automatically credited to their Cashless Card Account each day in time for break (any unspent allowance will be removed at the end of the school day). Students can top this up with additional money if they want to. Cashless Cards credited with Free School Meals look just the same as any other card (no-one will know that the student is claiming a Free School Meal).

Is my child eligible?

Your child may be eligible for free schools if you’re entitled to one of the following:

  • Income support
  • Income based jobseekers allowance
  • Income related employment and support allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act
  • The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit

To apply for free school meals, please click the button below.