PSHCE education can help schools to reduce or remove many of the barriers to learning experienced by pupils, significantly improving their capacity to learn and achieve.

PSHCE education contributes to personal development by helping pupils to build their confidence, resilience and self-esteem, and to identify and manage risk, make informed choices and understand what influences their decisions. It enables them to recognise, accept and shape their identities, to understand and accommodate difference and change, to manage emotions and to communicate constructively in a variety of settings. Developing an understanding of themselves, empathy and the ability to work with others will help pupils to form and maintain good relationships, develop the essential skills for future employability and better enjoy and manage their lives.

Curriculum Overview

YearCycle 1Cycle 2Cycle 3
Year 7

Living in the wider world: Careers – Beckfoot transition, careers in English, Maths, Science, Creative Arts, Humanities , PE and Languages

Health and wellbeing: Physical Health – Water, cancer, blood donation, tooth decay, drugs, personal hygiene, and common injuries

Health and wellbeing: Mental health – Defining mental health, change, diet and exercise, internal and external factors affecting self esteem and confidence, online safety

Relationships – Marriage, safety, family on future relationships, defining sexism and parents

Relationships – Empathy, defining peer pressure, laws on consent, defining respect, types of bulling, rights and responsibilities

Living in the wider world: Beckfoot Britain and beyond – Year 8 transition and individual liberty

Year 8

Living in the wider world: careers – Career choices, study skills, pathways to your future, types of work, challenging stereotypes, factors affecting financial decisions and managing emotions and risk

Health and wellbeing: Physical healthy – Road safety, weight, immunisations and vaccinations, healthy eating, vaping, knife crime, bone, muscles and joints

Health and wellbeing: Mental health – Defining stigma, nutrition and exercise, positive relationships, bereavement and coping strategies and know your selfie

Relationships – Stable relationships, strong emotions, roles in a family, sexism in the media and adoption

Relationships – Oversharing online, cybercrime, online risks to consent, discrimination and prejudice, cyberbullying, upholding your right and those of others online

Living in the wider world: Beckfoot, Britain and beyond – Year 9 options, rule of law, role of citizens, parliament and monarch, SMSC: Define spiritual, moral, social and cultural

Year 9

Living in the wider world: Careers – Intro to Unifrog, personality quiz, Unifrog treasure hunt, Unifrog roles and pathways, Unifrog aim higher, budgeting and saving, values and attitudes

Health and wellbeing: Physical health – Firework safety, cardiovascular disorders, organ donation, healthy eating reduces the risk of cancer, smoking, cosmetic and aesthetic procedures, CPR, defib and chest pain

Health and wellbeing: Mental health – Recognising MH concerns in others, negative thoughts, resilience, stress and strategies to cope, body image

Relationships – Healthy and unhealthy relationships, ending of friendships, media, benevolent sexism, contraception

Relationships – Conflict management and resolution, substance misuse, online safety – sexual imagery, diversity, impact of bullying, digital footprint

Living in the wider world: Beckfoot, Britain and beyond – Starting GCSEs, mutual respect and tolerance, political parties, voting and elections, SMSC at Beckfoot

Year 10

Living in the world: Careers – Goal setting, preparation for WEX, WEX, rights and responsibilities in work, contracts, financial risk, county lines

Health and wellbeing: Physical health – Screen time, link between sleep, diet and exercise, stem cells, eating disorders, alcohol, screening, impact of alcohol and drugs

Health and wellbeing: Mental health – Balance, sleep, responding to setbacks, depression and coping strategies, body image

Relationships: Online relationships, relationship breakdowns, pornography, hostile sexism, intimacy and pregnancy

Relationships – Drugs and alcohol, gang crime, law on sexual consent, stereotyping, sexual bullying, online vs physical work

Living in the wider world: Beckfoot, Britain and beyond – GCSE final year, democracy, power of the government, SMSC in Britain and beyond, the UK’s relationship with the rest of the world

Year 11

Living in the world: Careers – GCSE ready, Unifrog refresher, online presence, CV writing, keeping safe, tax and public spending, influence of media

Health and wellbeing: Physical health – Recreational drug use, exam preparation, the stress response, food for the brain, addiction, importance of sleep, recap on all basic first aid

Health and wellbeing: Mental health – Balance, substance misuse, stress management, anxiety and the strategies to cope, gaming and gambling

Relationships – Diverse relationships, online relationships, abuse, institutional sexism, pregnancy and fertility

Relationships – Online data, carrying weapons, year 7-11 recap, human rights, controlling and coercive behaviours, online data rules