Physical Education

At Beckfoot, students will develop a range of skills within different learning domains, while fostering a life long love of physical activity.

We deliver a broad and balanced curriculum allowing learners to experience a wide range of activities. Our intent is for learners to develop 4 key strands; knowledge and understanding of key tactical and decision making concepts alongside subject specific terminology, physical and performance skills for a wide range of individual and team sports, leadership qualities, skills and responsibilities and performance analysis skills.

Alongside this we aim to develop a lifelong love of sports and physical exercise to compliment mental and physical wellbeing.


Learners engage in a wide range of extra-curricular activities, and through fixtures experience both their immediate and wider community and the opportunities available.

Learners engage in a leadership programme that encourages students to support their peers, local primary school and community clubs.


In years 7, 8 and 9, internal assessments will take place throughout each year to monitor student progress and further inform teaching and learning. Students will continue core PE in Year 10 and 11 to ensure their wellbeing physically and mentally.

KS4 can engage in a our BTEC course to continue their studies of sport.

KS4 Specification


Learners develop a wide range of skills within PE to prepare them for their future including communication, team work, problem solving
and leadership. The opportunity to take on different roles both within lessons and extra curricular builds the confident and resilience needed for a successful future.

Curriculum Overview

YearCycle 1Cycle 2Cycle 3
Year 7

Athletics: Development of core skills and basic technical and tactical knowledge of events

Badminton: Development of core skills and basic technical and tactical knowledge of the sport

Basketball: Development of core skills and tactical awareness in isolated practices and conditioned games

Dance: Development of core skills and basic choreographic devices

Fitness: Explore the different aspects of fitness, and creating workouts for these

Football: Development of core skills and tactical awareness in isolated practices and conditioned games

Gymnastics: Development of core skills and basic choreographic devices on the floor and low level apparatus

Invasion games: Development of core skills and tactical awareness in isolated practices and conditioned games

Netball: Students will develop and master the core skills and techniques required to ensure effective performance in netball

Rounders: Development of core skills and basic tactical awareness in isolated practices and conditioned games

Rugby: Developing knowledge of rules, introducing a range of core skills and some advanced skills in small sided, conditioned games

Year 8

Athletics: Consolidation of core skills at faster pace/using more challenging equipment and developing further technical and tactical knowledge

Badminton: Continue to expand on core skills and techniques

Basketball: Consolidation of core skills and tactical awareness in isolated practices, conditioned and larger/full sided games

Dance: Consolidation of core skills, basic choreographic devices and development of some advanced devices applied to different themes/styles

Fitness: Exploring different core skills and embedding techniques safely

Football: Consolidation of core skills and tactical awareness in isolated practices, conditioned and larger/full games

Gymnastics: Consolidation of core skills and choreographics devices on the floor and large apparatus

Invasion games 

Netball: Students will master the correct techniques for passing, footwork attacking skills, defending skills and shooting

Rounders: Consolidation of core skills and tactical awareness in isolated practices, conditioned games and full sided games

Rugby: Consolidate basic rules and introduce more rules, develop core skills and introduce more core skills in larger games

Striking fielding – cricket: Consolidation of core skills and tactical awareness in isolated practices, conditioned games and full sided games

Year 9

Athletics: Embedding of core skills using age appropriate equipment and development of advanced skills

Badminton: Embedding or core skills and advancement of skills

Basketball: Embedding of core skills and Development of advanced skills and tactical awareness in isolated practices, conditioned and full sided game

Cheerleading: Learn the basics of cheerleading looking at basic arm movements and jumps

Fitness (both outdoor and suite): Develop understanding of training methods and workouts

Football: Embedding of core skills and Development of advanced skills and tactical awareness in isolated practices, conditioned and full sided game

Gymnastics: Consolidation of core skills and choreographics devices on the floor and large apparatus

Invasion games: Embedding of core skills and development of advance skills and tactical awareness

Netball: Perform core skills with consistency and accuracy

Rounders: Embedding of core skills and development of advanced skills and tactical awareness in isolated practices, conditioned and full sided game

Rugby: Implement core and advanced skills in larger conditioned games

Invasion games: Development of leadership skills and knowledge of a variety of roles within sport.

Striking fielding – softball: Embedding of core skills and Development of advanced skills and tactical awareness in isolated practices, conditioned and full sided games

Table tennis: Developing knowledge of rules, introducing a wide range of core skills and advanced skills

Year 10

Core: Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Dance and Fitness

Vocational: Issues which affect participation in sport, performance of skills and techniques, strengths and weaknesses of performance, methods to improve and measuring improvement. Organisation of a sports activity session and leading of the session

Core: Football, invasion games, netball, rounders

Vocational: 6 weeks practical (badminton), session plan and risk assessment, students lead sessions and review leadership and session

Core: Rugby, invasion games, striking fielding – softball, table tennis

Vocational: Distinguish between different media sources and how they cover sport, the role of sport in promoting the values, positive relationship between the media and sport

Year 11

Core: Badminton, basketball, dance, fitness

Vocational: The role of sport in promoting the values, the positive and negative effects of the media and sport

Core: Football, invasion games, netball

Vocational: The implications of hosting a major sporting event for a city of country, the role national governing bodies okay in the development of their sport

Core: Rounders, rugby, softball, table tennis

Vocational: Revision and exams