Behaviour and Rewards

At Beckfoot, we work hard to embed a culture where students attend every day, are active in their learning, independent and resilient to challenge and change. This is shared and supported by our parent body. Beckfoot School creates a climate where learners feel safe and are rewarded for excellent attendance and positive behaviour. However, we also understand that some students will need support and guidance to ensure that they make the correct choices to enjoy, learn and succeed.

Our Expectations

All students are expected to demonstrate the Beckfoot 6 P’s.

  • Punctual – students will arrive to school and lessons on time and aim for 100% attendance
  • Prepared – students will be ready to learn, with the correct uniform and equipment
  • Polite – respect and acceptance will be shown in the classroom, around school and in the local community
  • Positive – our students will have a can do attitude, look after each other and be resilient
  • Proud – students take pride in their work, progress and school environment
  • Proactive – students are focused and on task and always seek out learning opportunities

Our Rewards

Central to our school ethos is the celebration of the success and achievement of all of our students. The Beckfoot Positive Learning Strategy plays a key part in this. The Strategy clearly outlines our expectations through the Beckfoot Six Ps and it promotes good behaviour. It rewards our students who rise to the challenge and who continue to get it right, day in day out, both in and out of lessons. Our students who meet our Beckfoot Six Ps (Punctual, Prepared, Polite, Positive, Proud and Proactive) will receive excellent Attitude to Learning scores (ATL1) during lessons, make great progress and receive reward points. These reward points feed into our rewards programme. The rewards include:

  • Texts home – Weekly for all students who receive ATL1’s all week
  • Positive comments on ClassCharts – If a student has an exceptional lesson, a teacher may write a positive comment on ClassCharts
  • Assemblies – Rewards assemblies take place termly and celebrate year group attendance, attitude to learning and individual achievements
  • Red carpet events – These take place termly. Students that qualify (a 1.2 average ATL score or better) will get to choose a reward event which may be pizza with friends, a film or a PE, Art or Computing session
  • End of year reward trip – At the end of the year we run a year group reward event to a local theme park