General Information

Student Facilities Office (SFO) and Reception

Our SFO and Reception staff are here to help students, parents/carers and staff.

The SFO/Reception staff are not able to take items in from parents/carers to give to students during the day, as we cannot guarantee it will reach the student in time.

Attendance: Late in/leaving early

If students arrive late to school or need to leave early, they sign in and out at the SFO.

On the rare occasion a student becomes unwell at school, the school nurse may contact parents/carers and families to discuss our concerns. If, after assessment, it is decided the student can return home, arrangements must be made for safe collection from school. We will not be able to release students during the school day, to make their own way home if they report they are unwell or injured.

If there is a hospital/medical appointment that a student is required to attend within the school day, arrangements must be made for safe collection from school or written confirmation of your agreed travel arrangements for your child. For safeguarding reasons, we cannot release students without their parent/carer present or written confirmation of your child’s transport arrangements and destination. Please use Classcharts to communicate your requests.

We must continue to ensure the safeguarding of our students remains central in all our decisions and we thank you for your support in this matter. Click here to learn more.

Lost Property

All your child’s possessions, including clothing, should be named, in order to facilitate returning found articles. All lost property should be handed in at the SFO/Reception. If a student loses any item they should look in the last place they had it, before checking at the SFO if it has been found. These are held until the end of term and then put on display for the students to reclaim. Anything unclaimed will then be donated to charity. Beckfoot School accepts no responsibility for the safety and security of your child’s possessions. With this in mind, please consider whether to allow your child to bring valuable items on site.

ParentPay, Dinner Money and Lanyard card issues

Parents/carers, students and staff, can be assisted with ParentPay queries, dinner money and lanyard card issues. Students can also purchase replacement lanyards and cards from SFO.

Trips/visits and events

SFO is the central point for ‘Ticket Office Sales’ for our events/performances.

The ‘Ticket Office Sales’ Coordinator is Leanne Jordan and can be contacted at [email protected]. The Trips Coordinator can be contacted at [email protected]

Telephone calls

Your child’s Head of Year, Pastoral Manager, Tutor or Subject Teachers may not always be available to take telephone calls or respond to emails immediately during the school day. This is due to pastoral or teaching and learning commitments. Parents / Carers can email or leave a message with reception and we will endeavour to return all calls and emails within 48 hours.

If you have a safeguarding enquiry or emergency, please let the reception team know.

We encourage parents and carers to communicate with all of our staff respectfully and courteously, both in person and over the phone, to foster a supportive and collaborative school community.

Mobile phone devices

Mobile phone devices are prohibited in school including on site, before and after school, during break and lunch times unless under the direct supervision of an adult. This means that phones must be switched off and out of sight at all times during the school day. Should a student be seen with one at any time, the phone will be confiscated and returned to them at the end of the day. Should this happen on a second occasion we will take the device, keep it safe and only return it to a parent or carer who will be asked to come into school to collect it.

If your child is in need to getting a message to you during the school day, they need permission from their Year Team and then the SFO/Reception will be able to assist.

After school

Between 3:00pm-3:15pm, the two exits of the school site are manned by members of the Leadership Team. If you do not have an after-school club, period 6 or a detention, please can you leave the school site promptly. Due to safeguarding, at 3:15pm, the bus bay gate and turning circle gate to exit are locked. After this time, you need to exit the building through SFO/Reception.

Please note, you should be able to see whether your child is attending any after-school clubs, period 6 sessions or detentions via Class Charts.

Also, due to safeguarding reasons, we do not permit spectators to any after-school activity, club or fixture. Thank you for your understanding.

Parents/Carers Consultation Evenings

We will notify all parents/carers when it is time to start booking their child’s consultation evening. This is usually 2-3 weeks before.

Our parent/carer consultation evenings are online. Our attendance figures from our parental consultations evenings in previous years continue to be high with the online approach. According to the majority of feedback received, parents and carers felt:

  • that they received the full 5 minutes of time for each subject and teacher and in the case of Post 16 the full 7 minutes;
  • that it was a better fit with working commitments and allowed access from both home and work where necessary; and
  • that staff needed to concentrate more on progress and next steps rather than a summary of course content.

We review this decision regularly and will communicate any changes well in advance for families and students.

It is highly reccommended that your child is present on the online parents/carers consultation appointments with teachers.

2024/2025 dates:
  • Year 13 – Thursday 7 November 2024
  • Year 9 – Thursday 5 December 2024
  • Year 11 – Thursday 12 December 2024
  • Year 12 – Thursday 16 January 2025
  • Year 7 – Thursday 27 February 2025
  • Year 8 – Thursday 20 March 2025
  • Year 10 – Thursday 24 April 2025