
We provide students with the expertise of practical communication and understanding through fur key skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing.

We believe that learning a foreign language should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world, as well as providing opportunities for them to communicate for practical purposes. In addition, we aim to help students learn new ways of thinking and access authentic materials (including access to culture -film and literature) in the original language. It should provide the foundation for further language learning, equipping pupils to study and work in other countries.

We frequently engage students in whole class discussions, allowing students to confidently debate around relevant and thought provoking topics.


We consciously thread schemes which provide cultural capital through our curriculum maps. All students deepen their knowledge of the language and are therefore familiar with the customs and traditions around the world.


In years 7, 8 and 9, internal assessments will take place throughout each year to monitor student progress and further inform teaching and learning. 

At GCSE, we offer three Art and Design courses to our students, these are Fine Art, Graphics and Photography

KS4 Specification


Our art curriculum develops a range of employable skills: creativity, self-expression, critical thinking and confidence. We also encourage discussion about careers Art and Design could lead towards.

Curriculum Overview

YearCycle 1Cycle 2Cycle 3
Year 7

Mon auto portrait: Learning and using key sounds and letters of the French alphabet as well as numbers and days of the week. Learning to talk about the characteristics of yourself and others

Mon collège: Learning to describe what we learn at school, express opinions, apply adjectives and talk about our timetable. Talk about what we eat at lunch and compare French/English food

Mes Passetemps: Discussing your usage and opinion of different technologies. Learning sports vocabulary and giving your opinion on what you like doing in your free time. Using temporal adverbs and the verbs jouer and faire accurately

Ma zone: Saying what’s in your town and giving an opinion on where you live, learning how to dive directions and how to address people correctly in French (using tu and vous) – using prepositions and modal verbs

Partez/cultural capital: Learning new vocabulary linked to countries and holiday destinations, discussing holiday activities. Students will be introduced to the perfect tense, conditional and future tense to discuss holiday plans

Year 8

Oracy: Revision of adjectives and opinions to describe a photo and give opinions on it. Students to revise questions words and take part in role-play situations

T’es branché? Students will discuss use of the internet and social media amongst young people

Paris: Students are able to build upon their cultural capital through the study of Paris

Mon Identité: Students will discuss their own characteristics and what they like/dislike

Chez moi, chez toi: Students will learn key vocabulary to do with the house and home

Francophponie/Cultural capital: Discovering different francophone countries and comparing cultures. Using the imperative, superlative adjectives and vouloir + infinitive.

Year 9

Oracy: Revision of adjectives and opinions to describe a photo and give opinions on it. Students will revise question words and take part in role play situations

Ma vie sociale d’ado: Students will discuss teenage life and what it means to them, expressing their own views and opinions on typical trends

Bien dans sa peau: This unit allows pupils to discuss key activities and actions needed for a healthy lifestyle

À l’horizon: Students explore the opportunities languages can bring in terms of future careers and ambitions

Spécial vacances: This topic lays the foundations of key grammar and vocab used to discuss holidays

Moi dans le monde: This unit focusses on give students the opportunity to explore their rights and responsibilities in the world

Year 10

Grammar: Ensure basics of grammar using high frequency present tense verbs and identifying patterns regarding 4 tenses.

Free time and activities: Talking about free time activities – sports, reading, film and TV

Identity and relationships with others: Family, descriptions and relationships with others are covered this half term

Environment, healthy living and festivals: Students will identify environmental problems and discuss how they help the planet, they will discuss what they do in order to stay healthy, and focus on festivals related to French traditions and customs

Where people live: Talking about your town, village or neighbourhood, discussing what you see and do and discussing plans and the weather, describe and ideal town

Travel and tourism: Talking baout holidays in the past, present and future tense and practicing the conditional tense, destinations, transport, accommodation, weather, activities and opinions

Year 11

L’environment, les issues sociaux: This scheme covers sub topics like local, national and international areas of interest

Au collège: This scheme covers current and future employment

Bon travail: This scheme covers current and future employment

Oral exam preparation 

Exam Period and Revision covering all four key skills