Computer Science

Computer Science will help students to develop the ability to think in a logical way and become better at making decisions and problem solving.

A high quality Computer Science education will ensure all students:

  • Are confident, responsible, and creative users of technology
  • Can analyse problems in computational thinking terms and have practical experience of writing computer programs
  • Are prepared for the future giving them opportunities to gain knowledge and develop skills for the ever changing digital world
  • Have a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about Computer Science.


In Computer Science and ICT we enrich our students through the Bebras and TSOCC Computational Thinking problems, stretch and challenge and further reading materials.

Our students will be able to stay safe while exploring the world wide web and be able to share best practices with their wider community and peers.


In years 7, 8 and 9, internal assessments will take place throughout each year to monitor student progress and further inform teaching and learning. 

At GCSE, you will be assessed by two exams, with mocks and assessments throughout the year to assess your progress.

KS4 Specification


Our Computer Science and ICT curriculum develops a range of employable skills, analysis and evaluation, algorithmic thinking, problem solving and logical reasoning. We often discuss potential pathways with our students in lessons.

Curriculum Overview

YearCycle 1Cycle 2Cycle 3
Year 7

Internet Safety: Students will learn to stay safe while using the internet, so they can be aware of right and wrong behaviours and how to report dangers to CEOP.

Algorithms with Flowgorithm: Students will learn to write their own step by step algorithms for a given problem, and write in pseudocode and create flowcharts.

MSW Logo Programming: Students will be able to successfully write their own programs and successfully debug their code.

Year 8

Data Representation: Students will be able to convert 8-bit binary numbers into denary, as students understand how data can be represented and manipulated digitally in the form of binary digits.

Small basic: Students will be able to solve a variety of computational problems and can successfully debug their code.

Hardware and Logic Gates: Students will develop a good understanding of hardware components and are able to understand simple noolean logic for example AND, OR and NOT.

Year 9

Networks and Cyber Security: Students will be able to spot social engineering techniques and understand how to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely.

Python Programming: Students will be able to solve a variety of computational problems and can successfully debug their code.

HTM_CSS: Students will learn to create their own website with multiple interlinked pages, tables, a marquee, navigation bar and hyperlinks.

Year 10

Fundamentals of Algorithms: Students will be able to write their own step by step algorithm for a given problem, write in pseudocode and create flowcharts and learn to answer a GCSE exam question.

Fundamentals of Programming: Students will be able to solve a variety of computational problems and debug their code, practising GCSE exam questions

Fundamentals of Programming: Continued work.

Fundamentals of Data Representation:  Students will be able to convert 8-bit binary numbers into denary, as students understand how data can be represented and manipulated digitally in the form of binary digits.

Fundamentals of Computer Systems: Students will develop a good understanding of hardware components and understand simple nooelan logic.

Non-exam Assessment: NEA completion

Year 11

Non-exam Assessment: NEA completion

Fundamentals of computer networks: Students will be able to explain the different types of computer networks and understand network protocols.

Cyber security: Students will be able to spot social engineering techniques and understand how to use technology safely, respectfully, responsibly and securely.

Ethical, Legal and Environmental Issues: Students will be able to explain the current ethical, legal and environmental risks of digital technology on society.

Preparation for GCSE exams: Students will confidently be able to answer GCSE exams style questions and understand all content covered over two years.