

Beckfoot Trust is the admissions authority for schools in the Trust, including Beckfoot, and recommendations on admissions arrangements are made through the Trust Board.

The planned number for the admission to Year 7 in the school year commencing 2025 will be a maximum of 270.

Making an application

We want to make applying for Beckfoot as easy as possible. The information below tells you how to apply for our school and should answer any questions you may have regarding the process.

Bradford Local Authority administers the admissions arrangements for all schools in the Beckfoot Trust. Applications for Beckfoot will be made using the Local Authority Common Application Form by the national closing date (31 October 2024). This found can be found online here.

In Bradford, parents may list up to three schools on the In-year Application Form or up to five preferences when applying for Year 7 in the normal admissions round. Although legislation gives parents a right to express a preference for a particular school, Beckfoot Trust must
first consider whether there is a place available and then whether your child qualifies for a place using the oversubscription criteria below. If your child could be given a place at more than one of your preferred schools, the LA will offer a place at the highest-ranked preference.

Bradford LA will inform parents of the offer of a place on behalf of the Trust Board on the national offer date.

What’s next?

If you have any queries about applying to our school, get in touch with our school office. Either call them on 01274 771444 or email them on [email protected]. Our reception team will pass on any queries to the relevant team member to help answer any of your questions.

Keep an eye out for open evenings at our school so that you can come get a feel for Beckfoot, or call reception to arrange a visit. We look forward to meeting you and sharing our amazing school with you.

Admissions Team

Please see following link for information on the Bradford Admissions Team. It includes contact information and other important information that you may need.